Thursday, November 12, 2009

My iris perimeter isn't round... what's up?

I was just at the eye doctor last week getting different contacts (the ones I had were really uncomfortable on my left eye) I have a new trial pair on right now, they're fine, but my left eye was a little blurry and felt strange like something was in it, so I went to look at it in the mirror, and I noticed the iris isn't totally round.

Think of two or three days after a full moon, how it's round, but there's a little bit of a flat edge. That's what it looks like. I don't remember noticing that before. Like I said, I was just at the eye doctor, I asked him what's wrong with my left eye and he kind of just talked about the contact lens slipping.

I have an appointment to see the doctor this Friday, so I'm not solely relying on yahoo answers people... obviously I'll get a professional opinion, but does anyone have any ideas right now?

My iris perimeter isn't round... what's up?
what do mean by iris?do you mean pupil?

Don't be angry,I advise you to be seen by an ophthalmologist to examine you by slit lamp microscope to see if there's any inflammation inside especially of the iris(the pupil become smaller than the other one,and the eye gets red),to check blood pressure of your eyes.Astigmatism is not a cause of your iris not being round.

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