Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pigmentary iris degenaration? or heterochronic iris?

Ok, so today I got a letter on the mail saying that my son was diagnosed with heterochronic iris when he was only 9 days old. When he went for his first check up the pediatrician said it was probably just a birth mark but that he was still going to refer him to an ophthalmologist to be on the safe side. Right now he is 4 months and im barely getting the refferal to see the ophthalmologist and his appt. is in 2 mo. I see nothing wrong with my baby he sees fine and he reacts to light and dark but im just very worried so can someone please tell me what this is??? Best answer gets 10 points!!=D

Pigmentary iris degenaration? or heterochronic iris?
What I would recommend is that you contact the opthomalogist's office and ask them what that means. Even if they haven't seen your son, they certainly can explain your questions before your appointment.

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